Tag Archive: trees2products
TREES2PRODUCTS > trees2products
July 4, 2017
Marketing, SANR, SCORE, Wood Products
log, products, sawmill, SCORE, trees2products, utilization
Geneva Days Parade to celebrate our Nation’s Independence Day. And I forgot the flag, grrrrrr. Had conversations with a few people after the parade about either logs they have or slabs they want. Too bad they were repeat conversations and…
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July 2, 2017
SANR, SCORE, Trees, Wood Products
products, sawmill, SCORE, sustainable, trees2products, utilization, why
Have a tree planted by an ancestor? Don’t loose the history when the tree dies. Let’s craft a dream. Have a large family? Depending on size of tree, we can make serveral …. mantel clocks; wall clocks; butcher blocks; picture…
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June 27, 2017
SCORE, Trees, Wood Products
safety, SCORE, sustainable, trees2products, utilization
It’s a fun to be a #BizChampion. Always fun spending money, right? When it’s items you’ve been wanting or are possible to help with efficiency? Thanks to the opprotunity SCORE and Sam’s Club provided, we were able to get some…
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June 27, 2017
business plan, SCORE, trees2products
Had some of the confusion and stress taken out of finishing the business plan at a SCORE training last week. My SCORE Mentor is not a biz plan junkie so she registered me for a Business Model Canvas workshop. It’s…
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June 7, 2017
SANR, SCORE, Trees, Wood Products
SCORE, sustainable, trees, trees2products, why
At the Midwest Regional Training in Dallas, SCORE users and Mentors spoke in the day long training about social media for business, marketing, and provided encouragement. One of the statements that stuck with me more than others was during Giselle Champman’s lively…
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March 25, 2017
SCORE, Trees, Wood Products
products, sawmill, SCORE, trees, trees2products, utilization
Can’t wait to meet up with a SCORE Mentor and learn more on marketing and other business skills that are not in our wheel-house. In the last month I’ve talked to many people at 3 home & garden/farm shows that…
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