Setting up for sawmill demo for Extension Tour
Wednesday August 8, 2018 was a history maker. A UNL Extension tour visited Slezak Ag & Natural Resources and Trees2Products. We shared how we got here, why we believe in sustainable utilization of our natural resources and what we are doing to build the soil and reduce waste while making value added products.

Bucket o’biochar
Passed around a bucket of biochar and discussed the Great Plains Biochar Grant we received to start producing. It’s a value added product from what most believe is waste. It’s a possible method of utilizing trees killed by the Emerald Ash Borer if it’s too small to mill. That can be said of any tree species – if it won’t fit on the mill, it can build the soil via biochar.
Made a couple passes off a cedar log to demonstrate the sawmill.
Wavy cut on cedarNeed to change blades before it’s used again, if wedidn’t go extremely slow the blade rose and fell in waves.
Q & A
There was lots of conversation when the sawmill got quiet. And we forgot to take pictures. How you ask could I forget that. Even had a camera on a stand – just didn’t push go – when there were people present. And it was a big beautiful bus! One with that lowed the front end so the step up was very low.
Big shout out to UNL Extension Educator Gary Lesoing for bringing 65 other people with him to hear our story. Always willing to share info if your group wants to know more about forestry, biochar, sustainability or tree utilization drop us a line. If you’re an FFA teacher, forestry is part of that. If you’re a shop teacher the students could have their wood from local trees – loosing a tree on school grounds? Let’s let help them craft something for the school.
Let’s craft a Dream
No matter the size, we utilize