Benefits abound

Saw this biochar benefit graphic on the website for the International Biochar Initiative

Biochar TREE of Benfits from International Biochar Intitiative by Red Garner/IBI

Biochar TREE of Benfits from International Biochar Intitiative by Red Garner/IBI

“Biochar is a solid material obtained from the carbonisation of biomass. Biochar may be added to soils with the intention to improve soil functions and to reduce emissions from biomass that would otherwise naturally degrade to greenhouse gases. Biochar also has appreciable carbon sequestration value. These properties are measurable and verifiable in a characterisation scheme, or in a carbon emission offset protocol.”

So many benefits. So many possibilities.

Do you have an animal confinement operation? Biochar can neutralize the odor from the building or waste lagoon. Once mixed in the biochar is ‘activated’.  Composted manure applied to soil is a common practice. Biochar makes it even better.  As listed in the graphic, biochar can reduce nutrient runoff,  improve soil fertility and tilth while sequestering carbon which cleans the air.

Trees are such a benefit alive cleaning the air and shading our homes and businesses. Then in their second life they make great products from small to large. Some of those small products also clean the air. Coincidence? I don’t think so.


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